"There are far better things ahead than any we can leave behind."
-C.S. Lewis
2017 was a year full of blessings in our household. If you would have told me a couple years ago that this is what my life would look like, I probably would have laughed in your face. I've learned that life comes in seasons of highs and lows, and that those lows are stepping stones to something so much greater. Whatever season of life you are in, embrace it. If there's one thing I learned this year it is that time is SO fleeting (as cliche as it sounds!). Nothing has taught me that more than being a mom. At the start of the year, Marlowe was a 5 month-old ball of chub not even rolling. Now, she's bloomed into this spunky toddler, always on-the-go.
This year:
-I've learned how to be a parent (so imperfectly), and a stay-at-home mom. I've learned that my job right now is the toughest job out there.
-I had my final surgery (j-pouch), one I feared and questioned doing for ages, only to heal remarkably and receive my health back.
-Kyle got an incredible job working as the lead engineer with YUMI. He's doing something he loves, and that makes me so happy. Although we miss him all week!
-I grew my photography collaborations with several small shops.
-I started this blog!
I thought instead of writing more, I'd share my favorite pictures of 2017! These are in no particular order, just pictures I haven't all shared via Instagram. Some edited, some just random phone pictures, but ALL I love. I managed to create a gallery below, and if you press on one picture it enlarges it for easier viewing! There's a TON...I couldn't help myself! Happy New Years everyone! Here's to an incredible 2018.
New Gallery 2018/1/1 originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 4802 height 7195 focallength 35 flash 16 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION height 4912 fnumber 1.4 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 11/19/2017 4:14:30 AM width 7360 cameramodel NIKON D800 focallength 35 flash 16 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION height 6963 fnumber 1.4 exposuretime 0.0025 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 11/19/2017 4:07:10 AM width 4647 cameramodel NIKON D800 focallength 35 flash 16 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION height 7360 fnumber 1.4 exposuretime 0.0025 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 11/19/2017 4:32:20 AM width 4912 cameramodel NIKON D800 focallength 35 flash 16 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION height 6845 fnumber 1.4 exposuretime 0.0025 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 11/19/2017 4:41:58 AM width 4568 cameramodel NIKON D800 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 5/23/2017 12:52:50 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.008 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 3/18/2017 3:03:14 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 2993 fnumber 3.2 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 12/31/2016 10:48:15 AM width 4977 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 3/31/2017 8:17:31 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 11/4/2017 2:05:25 PM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 3/2/2017 11:04:14 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 11/4/2017 2:05:57 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.2 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 2/9/2017 11:50:12 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 11/4/2017 2:06:32 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.0025 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 3/31/2017 8:24:48 AM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 4/8/2017 11:52:49 AM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 4/8/2017 11:57:02 AM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 3936 fnumber 4 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 12/31/2016 10:55:14 AM width 5645 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 5297 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 11/10/2017 9:57:32 AM width 3836 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 4/5/2017 7:59:52 AM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 3826 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 11/10/2017 9:59:08 AM width 5395 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 4 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 3/2/2017 11:18:11 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 5088 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.0015625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 8/5/2017 1:02:46 PM width 3253 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 4 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 3/2/2017 11:18:57 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.2 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 2/22/2017 8:27:56 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.002 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 8/5/2017 1:38:37 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 4/14/2017 10:42:06 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 12/2/2017 5:40:53 PM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.2 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 4/15/2017 2:23:39 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 5/28/2017 1:44:29 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.2 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 4/15/2017 2:26:36 PM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 8/17/2017 12:50:49 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 5/28/2017 1:45:49 PM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 8/19/2017 8:23:06 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 3476 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 6/6/2017 7:49:40 AM width 4918 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 4/19/2017 2:44:01 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 3590 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 5/31/2017 3:55:02 PM width 5496 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.002 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 5/31/2017 3:56:17 PM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 4/18/2017 11:13:15 AM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.2 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 2/19/2017 2:25:50 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 4/24/2017 2:09:46 PM width 2650 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 3880 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 4/29/2017 1:27:36 PM width 5835 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 3814 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.002 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 4/29/2017 1:30:19 PM width 5736 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.00125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 8/24/2017 12:39:46 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.002 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 8/24/2017 12:41:43 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 2727 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.002 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 8/24/2017 12:43:36 PM width 3708 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 2/3/2017 10:56:05 AM width 4000 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cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.0008 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 5/21/2017 10:13:06 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.0008 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 5/21/2017 10:13:30 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 5/3/2017 11:17:27 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.2 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 2/28/2017 2:16:37 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 5.6 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 3/15/2017 2:28:11 PM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 8/25/2017 12:00:29 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 5/3/2017 11:46:41 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 8/26/2017 1:12:57 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 6/18/2017 11:23:42 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 8/26/2017 1:13:00 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 8/26/2017 1:13:18 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 8/26/2017 1:13:31 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.2 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 2/28/2017 2:23:20 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 5 exposuretime 0.002 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 3/15/2017 2:39:34 PM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 3705 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 8/26/2017 1:25:21 PM width 5572 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 2.8 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 3/18/2017 2:44:35 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 6.3 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 3/15/2017 2:45:39 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 2.8 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 3/18/2017 2:44:53 PM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.002 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 9/1/2017 3:13:08 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.002 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 9/1/2017 3:14:27 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.002 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 9/1/2017 3:16:26 PM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 2.8 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 3/18/2017 2:46:41 PM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 2.8 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 3/18/2017 2:46:44 PM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 3/18/2017 2:49:00 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 6/29/2017 3:00:54 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 6/29/2017 3:01:26 PM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 6/29/2017 3:01:44 PM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 3827 fnumber 4 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 9/4/2017 1:28:13 PM width 5735 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 3999 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 9/4/2017 1:29:58 PM width 2893 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 5/13/2017 7:55:39 AM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 focallength 35 flash 24 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION height 4000 fnumber 1.8 exposuretime 0.0166666675 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 12/23/2017 6:22:08 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.008 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 1/20/2017 2:47:30 PM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.008 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 1/20/2017 2:48:11 PM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.008 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 1/20/2017 2:48:38 PM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 1/26/2017 10:31:38 AM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 3961 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 1/26/2017 10:33:43 AM width 5920 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 1/26/2017 10:33:54 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.0025 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 9/22/2017 12:48:00 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.2 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 2/7/2017 3:27:15 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 7/10/2017 1:11:27 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 9/28/2017 6:35:49 AM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.000625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 9/30/2017 10:53:49 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 7/10/2017 1:14:54 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 7/10/2017 1:14:57 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.000625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 9/30/2017 11:02:16 AM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 2891 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 7/14/2017 3:19:34 PM width 4304 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 4 exposuretime 0.0008 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 7/18/2017 10:37:58 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 3782 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 7/29/2017 11:35:49 AM width 5393 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/18/2017 1:06:51 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 7/29/2017 2:39:48 PM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4173 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/19/2017 1:53:10 PM width 2953 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 3988 fnumber 4 exposuretime 0.005 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/21/2017 1:35:52 PM width 5541 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.003125 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 8/1/2017 5:57:03 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 6016 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.0025 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/28/2017 8:15:03 AM width 4000 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 3821 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.0025 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/28/2017 8:18:09 AM width 5500 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 3822 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.0025 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/28/2017 8:18:27 AM width 4816 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.0025 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/28/2017 8:19:25 AM width 6016 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 4 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/28/2017 2:11:47 PM width 2744 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 5495 fnumber 4 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/28/2017 2:14:01 PM width 3818 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 3410 fnumber 4 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/28/2017 2:14:51 PM width 4817 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 2301 fnumber 4 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/28/2017 2:19:41 PM width 3452 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 4000 fnumber 4 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/28/2017 2:20:50 PM width 4643 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 5441 fnumber 4 exposuretime 0.00625 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/30/2017 2:35:33 PM width 3543 cameramodel NIKON D3200 originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 3989 height 6000 originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM height 4032 width 2268 orientation 1 camerasoftware Instagram cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 2724 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.004 orientation 1 camerasoftware Instagram originaldate 9/15/2017 12:57:29 PM width 2724 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 2722 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.004 orientation 1 camerasoftware Instagram originaldate 9/15/2017 1:02:51 PM width 4096 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 2829 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.004 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 9/19/2017 12:51:43 PM width 4096 cameramodel NIKON D3200 cameramake NIKON CORPORATION focallength 35 height 2577 fnumber 3.5 exposuretime 0.005 orientation 1 camerasoftware Instagram originaldate 9/28/2017 6:31:29 AM width 4096 cameramodel NIKON D3200 focallength 6.6 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 3643 fnumber 2.8 exposuretime 0.001 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/1/2017 8:11:43 PM width 2570 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 6.6 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 3024 fnumber 2.8 exposuretime 0.0166666675 orientation 1 camerasoftware 10.3.3 originaldate 10/2/2017 11:19:52 PM width 4032 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 3.99 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 3114 fnumber 1.8 exposuretime 0.000454545458 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/1/2017 7:27:18 PM width 2253 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 3.99 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 3794 fnumber 1.8 exposuretime 0.0017857143 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/10/2017 10:18:18 PM width 2604 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 2.87 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 3088 fnumber 2.2 exposuretime 0.06666667 orientation 6 camerasoftware 10.3.3 originaldate 10/12/2017 10:20:56 PM width 2320 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 2.87 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 2900 fnumber 2.2 exposuretime 0.06666667 orientation 1 camerasoftware Instagram originaldate 10/14/2017 9:54:38 PM width 2320 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 3.99 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 4032 fnumber 1.8 exposuretime 0.008333334 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 10/24/2017 9:44:26 PM width 3024 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 6.6 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 4032 fnumber 2.8 exposuretime 0.0166666675 orientation 6 camerasoftware 10.3.3 originaldate 10/25/2017 9:31:10 PM width 3024 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 6.6 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 4032 fnumber 2.8 exposuretime 0.01923077 orientation 6 camerasoftware 10.3.3 originaldate 10/27/2017 9:54:25 PM width 3024 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 6.6 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 4032 fnumber 2.8 exposuretime 0.01923077 orientation 6 camerasoftware 10.3.3 originaldate 10/27/2017 9:54:47 PM width 3024 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 3.99 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 4032 fnumber 1.8 exposuretime 0.06666667 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 12/1/2017 7:04:07 PM width 3024 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 2646 height 4096 focallength 3.99 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 2530 fnumber 1.8 exposuretime 0.008333334 orientation 1 camerasoftware Instagram originaldate 11/28/2017 2:35:25 PM width 2250 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 6.6 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 3024 fnumber 2.8 exposuretime 0.0166666675 orientation 1 camerasoftware 10.3.3 originaldate 12/5/2017 8:44:30 PM width 4032 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 4.15 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 3264 fnumber 2.2 exposuretime 0.0333333351 orientation 6 camerasoftware 10.3.1 originaldate 5/31/2017 10:00:48 PM width 2448 cameramodel iPhone 6 focallength 2.87 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 2881 fnumber 2.2 exposuretime 0.0333333351 camerasoftware 10.3.2 originaldate 6/1/2017 7:47:19 PM width 2158 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 6.6 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 2250 fnumber 2.8 exposuretime 0.008333334 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 6/17/2017 4:59:54 PM width 3000 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 3.99 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 2250 fnumber 1.8 exposuretime 0.25 dir : 196 alt : 366 lat : 34.100717 long : -117.617706 camerasoftware 10.3.2 originaldate 6/26/2017 11:00:03 AM width 3000 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 3.99 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 4032 fnumber 1.8 exposuretime 0.008333334 orientation 6 camerasoftware 10.3.2 originaldate 6/27/2017 6:18:17 PM width 3024 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 6.6 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 4032 fnumber 2.8 exposuretime 0.0166666675 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 6/30/2017 11:37:10 PM width 3024 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus focallength 6.6 flash 16 cameramake Apple height 3000 fnumber 2.8 exposuretime 0.00222222228 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Ligh originaldate 8/24/2017 8:50:16 PM width 2250 cameramodel iPhone 7 Plus originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 2049 orientation 1 height 1536
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