So excited to share Marlowe's 3rd birthday party with you guys! We all know I love a good themed party, and Marlowe was totally the inspiration behind this. When I say she loves popsicles, I mean she LOVES popsicles. We make them together often and she has yet to eat one she doesn't like. Could probably eat them for breakfast lunch and dinner. So I thought why not turn that theme into a fun party which happens to be perfect for my summer birthday girl.
The popsicle "truck" was just made out of two cardboard boxes taped together. I just cut out a truck shape, and then painted it with whatever leftover paint I had in the garage! It wasn't perfect by any means because I either had a baby strapped to me while I was making it or a little girl trying to ride her scooter over it while I was painting. But, it made for a perfect statement piece that is necessary for any party! We stuck a table behind it to hold it up, and put the cooler of all the popsicles on top.

When I asked Marlowe how she wanted to decorate all she could say was that she wanted balloons everywhere. So that's what I did! I spent far too many hours trying to figure out how to make floating balloons work in our backyard but we ended up just using balloon tape to make a basic balloon garland (the trick for a beautiful garland is to use different sized balloons) and then used fishing line to tie it across the backyard so that they appeared to float above the tables. I wanted all one color balloon that had a matte finish (not shiny!) and the
lavender balloons went perfectly with her theme! I also bought one pack of
long balloons and turned them into popsicles that we taped all over the garage. The easiest backdrop ever if you ask me.
For the kids table, I just made some homemade play-doh and put them in leftover baby food jars for the kids to take home. I added glitter (because everything is better with glitter) and little pink spoons from Baskin Robbins. I also bought some wooden masks from Joanne's that the kids could color, and then some bubble guns from Amazon!
For the centerpieces on the tables, I made a bunch of card stock popsicles using her color scheme and laid them on all the tables. Then I took some
basic iridescent party hats and added a pom to each of them then lined those down the tables. Pretty simple! Another fun piece of cheap decor was made using dollar tree pool rafts. We blew them up, and added popsicle sticks made out of cardboard so that it looked like big popsicles hanging on the fence!
I ordered a
popsicle mold off Amazon and my mother-in-law spent a few weeks trying out all kinds of popsicle recipes. You can literally freeze just about anything sweet and it tastes good. I really wanted to make a ton of different flavors so that there was something for everyone. We made some simple classic flavors like orange creamsicle, chocolate banana, and fudgsicle. We made fruit only popsicles for those that couldn't have sugar or dairy (you literally just blend the fruit with a little water and freeze!) and made mango and strawberry/pineapple. Then I wanted some funky flavors for the trendy people so we made an Ube flavored one (for my filipino family of course!) and a matcha-avocado one. Also threw in a creamy mocha flavor for those that needed an evening kick and a strawberry yogurt popsicle with sprinkles for the kids! They were all so delicious! I bought popsicle bags and tied them all off with some string and yarn! They stayed perfectly frozen during the party using dry ice in a cooler!

The food was honestly just pizza, a veggie tray, and fruit! Nothing exciting here since the focus was on the popsicles! I also had some popsicle shaped cookies made that went perfectly with the theme. I found some
fun plates from Target that had popsicles on them, some cute
sun shaped plates from Meri Meri and then some fun silly straws for all the cups from Target's dollar spot!
Marlowe picked out her
party dress (obvi it twirled and had sequins), and I found adorable
popsicle bows for her and her sister to match.
Overall it was such a fun little party with all the people she knows and loves! We are so thankful for the people that continue to show up for her and are present in her life.
Marlowe with her great-Lola! |